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yay! I got music on all of the pages except the dollmaker. don't ask why. lol.
coming soon: links to other dollmakers on my dollmaker page.

I got a page dedicated to my baby AUSTIN!
Got some new banners too.
Thanx to rodney (sexxay... lol) and katie (i miss you!) for signing my guestbook!

I got some dollz on the dollmaker page.
Thanx to Cliff (you ROCK!!!), Austin (no comment), Abby (TwInKiE!!! I luvz u more!!! lol), Lee (my favoritest cousin!!!!), and Josh (poo) for signing my guestbook.

I got a couple of dollmakers on here... a goth maker and a silent maker. I got the quiz page up as well.

Woo-hoo! got muh page up!
Hey!! Welcome to my site! I hope you enjoy it! Coming soon: another friends photo alblum, a page for quizzes, and a humor page. Come back soon and don't forget to sign the guestbook!!!

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